Soul - some thoughts
We, human kind, are odd in our ways of living.
G-d gives us ability to such a beauty, such purity, genuinity that our little mortal minds can't even understand it.
We get such a great gift... and what majority does with it? They ruin their gift, choose that easier way just because they want to be "normal".
I can't say that I don't understand their solution. I do understand it. Anyway we have been given this thing called free will (and therefore I shouldn't whine about this) and we all just act according to that.
I've never been worried about life after death, and still I can say I've lived relatively good life, treated my fellow humans like I've wanted them to treat me.
In fact we had this "joke" in my family that we, non-religious bunch, seem to have higher morals than most people who claim that they live according to high morals.
Of course it's in eye of the beholder. According to some my life is example of immorality.
Anyway, what I ment to say was... we born to be good. We born pure. We get free will... and what we do with it?
Act like ******s towards our fellow humans, hurt everyone who disagree with us, hurt others before they can hurt us and then we run as fast as we can so we don't need to live with the consequences.
Just to be "normal" we ruin greatest gift we'll ever get.
And do you knwo what is the funny part in this? I've always thought like this. Even when I was atheist. I've always loved aspect of soul.